Our New Media Ambassadors take initiative
29-09-2016PRISMA European Network strives for excellence on belief that excellence is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and vision to see obstacles as opportunities.
And two of the persons who represents our vision are our New Media Ambassadors, Maria-Mădălina Ifrim, from Romania and Andri Pandoura, from Cyprus, who has taken initiative and has organised three disemination events for high school students in order to inform them about the opportunities they can benefit from, by being New Media Ambassador and how they can be part of a better change of the society.
First meeting was held at the National Council of Students (Bacau Branch), were high school students have learned about New Media Ambassadors and opportunities it provides.
Second one was held at the Center for Prevention, Evaluation and Counseling Antidrug, Bacau County, where the participants had the chance to find out about latest trends in matter of Digital Tools they can use to make their voice stronger and meaningful.
The third disemination event, organised by Andri Pandoura from Cyprus were held in a High School, where more than 20 high school students have learned about New Media Ambassadors experience and how they can participate.