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Euro-Med EVE France

Association Euro-Méditerranéenne Des Exchanges, Volontariats, Evénements (Euro- Med Eve)

Euro-Med EVE is a non-governmental organization founded in France, which works mainly with young people, youth workers, trainers and volunteers. The NGO promotes youth exchanges, mobility and intercultural learning on European and international level.

Since: ?
Members: 1-5


Association la Voix de l’Enfant Rural http://aver-tunisie.com/

AVER is an NGO established mainly for the empowerment of young people through their involvement in social life as active citizens and leaders within their communities in addition to promoting different forms of cultures and artistic creations. AVER works very closely with young people on issues of youth empowerment, employability and mobility, inclusion of marginalized youth in the society, gender equality, democracy and active citizenship.


Since: 2011
Members: 25+
Medenine, Tunisia

Udhetimi Lire

Udhetim i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare https://udhetimiilire.org/

The Association "Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare" is focused on tourism, cultural heritage, youth, environment, rural development, good governance, culture, voluntarism, and human rights promotions.

The activities of the Association “Udhetimi i Lire-Liberi di Viaggiare” are implemented in these sectors:

  • Active participation in the local, national and international institutions and authorities for the adaption of the legislative means.
  • Promote the adaption for the politic modernization of the enterprises of this sector.
  • Communicate with the public opinion through all the means of communication and its publications.
  • Collaboration and agreement in national and international levels.


Vision: The creation of bridges in the field of tourism, environment, youth, cultural heritage (culture and art) in the region and beyond. 


Mission: Become a local/national key factor in the tourism, environment and youth sector through the development/promotion of their values to ensure sustainable social/economic development. 

Since: 2015
Members: 25+
Durres, Albania


WeYouth http://weyouthorganization.org/

We are committed to strengthening youth sector participation in decision-making, leadership education, social and civic engagement, promoting youth opportunities, and creating “change agents” and young leaders within the community.

Since: 2013
Members: 25+
Sfax, Tunisia

Argus Technology

ARGUS Teknoloji Bilişim Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi https://www.argusteknoloji.com/

Argus Technology is an IT & software company located in the Ankara University Technopolis, Ankara-Türkiye. Argus Technology conducts its R&D studies with international projects Worldwide, and local projects throughout Türkiye. Apart from being an active SME in the technology sector, Argus has a significant aspect of social responsibility and voluntary work. Argus has a social responsibility team which encourages young people to take part in society more via increasing their leadership skills and entrepreneurship.

Since: 2019
Members: 25+
Ankara, Türkiye


CRRC-Armenia Foundation https://www.crrc.am/en/about-us/

CRRC-Armenia Foundation is a regionally focused and nationally based independent, non-partisan research center.
Our core mandate is to address national and regional socio-economic and political challenges via high-quality data collection, analysis, and enhancement of the scientific capacity of the research community. Based on the strong support by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation and Yerevan State University, CRRC-Armenia pursued the common goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus. Since 2013, CRRC-Armenia is operating as an independent legal entity, guided by the same common commitment of regional cooperation.

Since: 2003
Members: 11-15
Yerevan, Armenia


Geoclube – Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura http://www.geoclube.eu/

Geoclube is a Youth Association's main objective is to promote the active participation and involvement of young people in the defense of environmental issues, democracy, social inclusion and young entrepreneurship.

Since: 1999
Members: 11-15


Group of the European Youth for Change https://www.geyc.ro/

Group of the European Youth for Change – GEYC is a Romanian youth non profit organisation active at International level aiming to empower young people to change their communities. It is mainly focused on capacity building in the digital field and on education. GEYC is the initiator of European Digital Youth Summit – EDYS and GEYC Resources Center.

Since: 2010
Members: 25+


Einurd ltd. (social innovation and education) http://einurd.is/

Einurð was founded in 2010 and has provided consulting, strategy, editing and project management. Einurð offers assistance for projects related to community development, innovation and education. Einurð was nominated as one of the 30 most beautiful words in Icelandic, and a comment on it on the competition's page states that the word sounds extremely tangible and beautiful and that "the word combines in a beautiful way a little stubbornness, a little idiosyncrasy and a lot of determination".

Since: 2010
Members: 1-5
Reykjavík, Iceland

ProActive Group Georgia

ProActive Group Georgia https://www.proactivegroupgeorgia.ge/

Through promoting civil activism, entrepreneurship, democratic youth participation, cultural diversity, by various non-formal education activities, Erasmus+, ESC projects, international forums, round-tables, training-seminars, we help people to develop key competences, grow on a personal and professional level, to be more proactive citizen of society. We actively support youth with fewer opportunities from regions and rural areas, IDP’s, and different vulnerable groups, to be actively engaged in our local and international activities. Thanks to international partners, donors and supporters, ProActive Group Georgia implements EU funded Erasmus+ and ESC exchange projects, CoE / USAID supported activities, joint events in cooperation with public and private sectors, schools, Universities, EU institutions and local authorities.

Since: 2016
Members: 11-15
Tbilisi, Georgia


Zarika Association https://zarika.org/

The mission of Zarika Association is to provide non-formal education opportunities in personal and professional growth, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, arts and embodiment, intercultural dialogue, and humanitarianism and empower communities and individuals of all ages and backgrounds on local, regional, and international levels while advocating for equal human rights and sustainable development, and supporting social initiatives.

Since: 2022
Members: 6-10
Sofia, Bulgaria


Oriel ETS https://www.orielassociation.com/

We work mainly with the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (we have the quality label for sending&hosting) Programmes.
Oriel provides several training courses to the local community about human rights, gender issues, entrepreneurship, health care and sustainable development, focusing especially on the social aspect and on the long-term sustainability one should point at while developing his/her ideas.

Since: 2017
Members: 25+


Backslash http://www.backslash.es/

BACKSLASH is a non-governmental youth organization established in 2014 in Valencia, Spain, which aims at empowering youth and the promotion of social inclusion through assisting young people in acquiring knowledge and developing their skills and competencies.


The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values, and international cooperation. For this, the organization is divided into the following departments and its key topics:


· Entrepreneurship, on youth entrepreneurship, career orientation, mentoring and active youth participation.

· Social Rights, on social inclusion, gender equality, European citizenship, youth and children’s rights and migrant and refugees.

· Culture, on contemporary culture, cultural democratization, cultural heritage, artistic expression and promotion of young artists

· Environment, on environment protection, sustainability, climate, circular economy and environmental education.


Since: 2015
Members: 25+
Valencia, Spain

Youthfully Yours SK

Youthfully Yours SK https://youthfullyyours.sk/en/home-2/

Youthfully Yours SK is a Non-governmental organization located in Eastern part of Slovakia that would like to see in its region Ambitious & Competent young people eager to benefit their community.

​In order to achieve that, They're determined to advance young people's competences, to empower a sense of initiative & social responsibility, and to promote Active citizenshipSocial inclusion & Intercultural dialogue among young people from Eastern Slovakia.

​At the local level, they focus on Youth Empowerment and the Youth's ability to participate actively in society.  ​On the international level, they took part of numerous well-built partnerships and networks supported by different educational programmes and initiatives e.g. Erasmus+, Visegrad fund, European Youth Foundation, European Solidarity Corps.


Since: ?
Members: 16-25
Slovakia, Košice


Community Development Institute https://irz.org.mk/

The Association Community Development Institute is a national umbrella organisation working on improvement of the living conditions and the standard of life of the citizens. In its work, the CDI offers the possibility for people of different ethnic, social and educational backgrounds to participate in initiatives of their interest important for the community.

The CDI vision is Diverse and harmonious society without prejudices - society of happy citizens. 

Mission of CDI: The Community Development Institute is a sustainable civil society organization that works on building a democratic and multiethnic society through strengthening the capacities of individuals, organizations, and institutions.


Since: 2003
Members: 25+

UP Studio

UP Studio up-studio.net

UP Studio is an Ukrainian private enterprise specialized in a large range of web/mobile applications, CRM, and ERP solutions. 
Since 2016, UP Studio started its social responsibility programme as part of the PRISMA European Network and in this quality, it is providing pro-bono services and advisory in the IT&C field for the network and its members, supporting the youth workers from the other member organizations to develop their activities through the potential of the new media technology.

Since: 2018
Members: 1-5
Kharkiv, Ukraine


Balkan Youth Activism https://sites.google.com/view/balkanyouthactivism

"Balkan Youth Activism" is an NGO based in Korçë, Albania, a representative youth structure that works with the Albanian youth. This organization aims at mobilizing, self-organizing and empowering the role of youth in society, as well as encouraging young people to become part of the integral life of society through: Human Rights, Citizen Participation and Democracy, Education, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Employment, Young people towards art, sports and culture, Health, Tourism, Cultural heritage. Environment, Training and Multimedia.

Since: 2018
Members: 1-5
Korce, Albania


Asociación EuroMuévete https://euromuevete.org/

The EuroMuévete Association has an experienced team that works with Erasmus+ and uses non-formal methods according to the project's themes. We participate in the management of projects throughout their life cycle, including the design, development, implementation, monitoring, and dissemination of results. We focus on creating new opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities, who represent an active attitude to work, help and change their local environment, who want to learn new things and acquire

Since: 2018
Members: 1-5
Malaga, Spain


Uniting Bridge SNGO https://www.facebook.com/unitingbridgesngo

We provide young people volunteering and non-formal education opportunities, both local and international projects (Erasmus+ youth exchanges, trainings - ''REACT'' project), which aim to empower young people, help them increase their capacity levels, improve personal and professional skills and gain international experience. 

Since: 2019
Members: 25+
Oshakan, Armenia


Réseau Solidaire & Participatif https://www.resopa.fr/

Non formal education organization based in Gerzat, France which works with European youth at grassroots levels to help them develop qualities and skills that are relevant to community building. We make use of social innovation and Erasmus+ projects (KA1 & KA2) to implement our ideas and have the impact that we want. Our targets are mostly NEETs* and young people in rural or distanced areas. The themes we love to work on are: Sustainable Development, Social Entrepreneurship and Rural Development.

Since: 2019
Members: 6-10
Gerzat, France

Youth Dynamics

Youth Dynamics Cyprus http://www.instagram.com/youthdynamicscy

Youth Dynamics is an informal group founded in 2011, established to empower young people of Cyprus to broaden their minds and horizons.

Since: 2011
Members: 6-10


Social Youth Development https://ngokane.org/

Social Youth Development, KANE, is a non-profit organization situated in Kalamata, Greece.  Its vision is to foster youth motivation in order to take initiatives and become more active citizens. 

Since: 2008
Members: 6-10


Association Strive! www.strive.hr

Association Strive! is a non-governmental organization that promotes mobility, unity and non-formal education, through organizing activities for the youth, in order to improve the life of the local community.

Since: 2014
Members: 1-5


ANKA Youth Association http://www.ankayouthngo.org/

ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion.

Since: 2017
Members: 25+
Ankara, Türkiye


Prisms https://www.prismsmalta.com/

Prisms aims to empower young people with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be an active participant within society. PRISMS provides to the necessities of young people through informal and non-formal methods of education so as to reach their needs in a holistic manner.

Since: 2008
Members: 6-10


İlk Sen Ol Youth Movement Association https://ilksenol.org.tr/

İlk Sen Ol Youth Movement Association conducts Erasmus+ and ESC projects by including youth with fewer opportunities. Main themes are Volunteering, Humanitarian Aid, Employement, Mental Health, Well-being, Youth with Fewer opportunities, Nature, Gender Equality, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Media Literacy, Networking, and sports. Since 2023, İlk Sen Ol holds ESC Quality Label and Humanitarian Aid Quality Label.

Since: 2019
Members: 25+
Istanbul, Türkiye

FreeMinds in Action

FreeMinds in Action http://www.freemindsinaction.org/

FreeMinds in Action is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established and working in Italy. Between the main objectives of organization is to raise awareness among Italian youth and civil society. 

The importance of organization for the local community is that it gives to young people a space to socialize, to share their creative  ideas, to develop personally, to become more self-confident and to promote self-manifestation. 

Since: 2014
Members: 16-25
Sicily, Italy

Pi Gençlik Derneği

Pi Youth Association http://www.pigenclikdernegi.org/tr/ana-sayfa/

Pi Youth Association is a youth association that is established to enable young people in Türkiye to develop knowledge, skills, positive attitudes and behaviors and also actualizes the decisions taken by European Union, Council of Europe and the United Nations’s in the field of youth. The Association also maintains its activities by taking into consideration the universal sensitivities, global principles and principles in human rights, participation and environment issues. The main mission topic of Pi Youth Association is youth rights and problems.

Since: 2014
Members: 25+
Izmir, Türkiye

European Dialogue

Európsky Dialóg http://europskydialog.eu/

European Dialogue is aiming to create an educational platform, to inform about EU affairs and about opportunities for citizens of the Slovak Republic, mainly for the youth. Its goal is to mobilize active pro-European thinking people, to be active in the EU policies and promote sense of initiative, anti discrimination, integration and peaceful coexistence of all.

Since: 2012
Members: 6-10

EKA Creative Studio

EKA Creative Studio https://www.ekaistanbul.com/

We are a design ecosystem that brings together multidisciplinary designers and artists to develop creative ideas. We have worked on projects with the collaboration of Istanbul Municipality or other organizations such as Women Reaching Public Transport, Children's Playgrounds Design, Play Street Maltepe and Kavşak (Türkiye sustainable urban project).

Since: 2020
Members: 11-15
Istanbul, Türkiye


Tiro Association for Arts https://tiroarts.org/

TAA aims to create independent cultural spaces in Lebanon through the provision of culture and arts-related trainings and activities, the rehabilitation of local cultural spaces, and the organization of festivals and events. Focusing mainly on Tyre and Nabatiyeh regions until now, the Association is a free platform for all, amateurs and artists, allowing them to present their artistic and cultural works. The Association's ambition is to contribute to shaping positively the cultural influence on all groups of the society, especially those that do not afford to spend part of their revenues on arts considered as luxurious spending.

Since: 2014
Members: 25+


ASOCIACION MOJO DE CAÑA https://www.xn--mojodecaa-s6a.org/

Association Mojo de Caña has been founded in 2001, in Santa Brigida municipality (Gran Canaria Island,Spain) and is a Eurodesk member since 2015. It is an awarded association by their National Agency and the Youth in Action programme for best practices.

Since: 2001
Members: 6-10
Santa Brigida, gran canaria

Our member organisation

Association Euro-Méditerranéenne Des Exchanges, Volontariats, Evénements (Euro- Med Eve) (Euro-Med EVE France)

Euro-Med EVE is a non-governmental organization founded in France, which works mainly with young people, youth workers, trainers and volunteers. The NGO promotes youth exchanges, mobility and intercultural learning on European and international level.

Association la Voix de l’Enfant Rural (AVER)


AVER is an NGO established mainly for the empowerment of young people through their involvement in social life as active citizens and leaders within their communities in addition to promoting different forms of cultures and artistic creations. AVER works very closely with young people on issues of youth empowerment, employability and mobility, inclusion of marginalized youth in the society, gender equality, democracy and active citizenship.


Udhetim i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare (Udhetimi Lire)


The Association "Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare" is focused on tourism, cultural heritage, youth, environment, rural development, good governance, culture, voluntarism, and human rights promotions.

The activities of the Association “Udhetimi i Lire-Liberi di Viaggiare” are implemented in these sectors:


Vision: The creation of bridges in the field of tourism, environment, youth, cultural heritage (culture and art) in the region and beyond. 


Mission: Become a local/national key factor in the tourism, environment and youth sector through the development/promotion of their values to ensure sustainable social/economic development. 

WeYouth (WeYouth)


We are committed to strengthening youth sector participation in decision-making, leadership education, social and civic engagement, promoting youth opportunities, and creating “change agents” and young leaders within the community.

ARGUS Teknoloji Bilişim Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (Argus Technology)


Argus Technology is an IT & software company located in the Ankara University Technopolis, Ankara-Türkiye. Argus Technology conducts its R&D studies with international projects Worldwide, and local projects throughout Türkiye. Apart from being an active SME in the technology sector, Argus has a significant aspect of social responsibility and voluntary work. Argus has a social responsibility team which encourages young people to take part in society more via increasing their leadership skills and entrepreneurship.

CRRC-Armenia Foundation (CRRC)


CRRC-Armenia Foundation is a regionally focused and nationally based independent, non-partisan research center.
Our core mandate is to address national and regional socio-economic and political challenges via high-quality data collection, analysis, and enhancement of the scientific capacity of the research community. Based on the strong support by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation and Yerevan State University, CRRC-Armenia pursued the common goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus. Since 2013, CRRC-Armenia is operating as an independent legal entity, guided by the same common commitment of regional cooperation.

Geoclube – Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura (Geoclube)


Geoclube is a Youth Association's main objective is to promote the active participation and involvement of young people in the defense of environmental issues, democracy, social inclusion and young entrepreneurship.

Group of the European Youth for Change (GEYC)


Group of the European Youth for Change – GEYC is a Romanian youth non profit organisation active at International level aiming to empower young people to change their communities. It is mainly focused on capacity building in the digital field and on education. GEYC is the initiator of European Digital Youth Summit – EDYS and GEYC Resources Center.

Einurd ltd. (social innovation and education) (Einurd)


Einurð was founded in 2010 and has provided consulting, strategy, editing and project management. Einurð offers assistance for projects related to community development, innovation and education. Einurð was nominated as one of the 30 most beautiful words in Icelandic, and a comment on it on the competition's page states that the word sounds extremely tangible and beautiful and that "the word combines in a beautiful way a little stubbornness, a little idiosyncrasy and a lot of determination".

ProActive Group Georgia (ProActive Group Georgia)


Through promoting civil activism, entrepreneurship, democratic youth participation, cultural diversity, by various non-formal education activities, Erasmus+, ESC projects, international forums, round-tables, training-seminars, we help people to develop key competences, grow on a personal and professional level, to be more proactive citizen of society. We actively support youth with fewer opportunities from regions and rural areas, IDP’s, and different vulnerable groups, to be actively engaged in our local and international activities. Thanks to international partners, donors and supporters, ProActive Group Georgia implements EU funded Erasmus+ and ESC exchange projects, CoE / USAID supported activities, joint events in cooperation with public and private sectors, schools, Universities, EU institutions and local authorities.

Zarika Association (Zarika)


The mission of Zarika Association is to provide non-formal education opportunities in personal and professional growth, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, arts and embodiment, intercultural dialogue, and humanitarianism and empower communities and individuals of all ages and backgrounds on local, regional, and international levels while advocating for equal human rights and sustainable development, and supporting social initiatives.

Oriel ETS (Oriel)


We work mainly with the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (we have the quality label for sending&hosting) Programmes.
Oriel provides several training courses to the local community about human rights, gender issues, entrepreneurship, health care and sustainable development, focusing especially on the social aspect and on the long-term sustainability one should point at while developing his/her ideas.

Backslash (Backslash)


BACKSLASH is a non-governmental youth organization established in 2014 in Valencia, Spain, which aims at empowering youth and the promotion of social inclusion through assisting young people in acquiring knowledge and developing their skills and competencies.


The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values, and international cooperation. For this, the organization is divided into the following departments and its key topics:


· Entrepreneurship, on youth entrepreneurship, career orientation, mentoring and active youth participation.

· Social Rights, on social inclusion, gender equality, European citizenship, youth and children’s rights and migrant and refugees.

· Culture, on contemporary culture, cultural democratization, cultural heritage, artistic expression and promotion of young artists

· Environment, on environment protection, sustainability, climate, circular economy and environmental education.


Youthfully Yours SK (Youthfully Yours SK)


Youthfully Yours SK is a Non-governmental organization located in Eastern part of Slovakia that would like to see in its region Ambitious & Competent young people eager to benefit their community.

​In order to achieve that, They're determined to advance young people's competences, to empower a sense of initiative & social responsibility, and to promote Active citizenshipSocial inclusion & Intercultural dialogue among young people from Eastern Slovakia.

​At the local level, they focus on Youth Empowerment and the Youth's ability to participate actively in society.  ​On the international level, they took part of numerous well-built partnerships and networks supported by different educational programmes and initiatives e.g. Erasmus+, Visegrad fund, European Youth Foundation, European Solidarity Corps.


Community Development Institute (CDI)


The Association Community Development Institute is a national umbrella organisation working on improvement of the living conditions and the standard of life of the citizens. In its work, the CDI offers the possibility for people of different ethnic, social and educational backgrounds to participate in initiatives of their interest important for the community.

The CDI vision is Diverse and harmonious society without prejudices - society of happy citizens. 

Mission of CDI: The Community Development Institute is a sustainable civil society organization that works on building a democratic and multiethnic society through strengthening the capacities of individuals, organizations, and institutions.


UP Studio (UP Studio)


UP Studio is an Ukrainian private enterprise specialized in a large range of web/mobile applications, CRM, and ERP solutions. 
Since 2016, UP Studio started its social responsibility programme as part of the PRISMA European Network and in this quality, it is providing pro-bono services and advisory in the IT&C field for the network and its members, supporting the youth workers from the other member organizations to develop their activities through the potential of the new media technology.

Balkan Youth Activism (BYA)


"Balkan Youth Activism" is an NGO based in Korçë, Albania, a representative youth structure that works with the Albanian youth. This organization aims at mobilizing, self-organizing and empowering the role of youth in society, as well as encouraging young people to become part of the integral life of society through: Human Rights, Citizen Participation and Democracy, Education, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Employment, Young people towards art, sports and culture, Health, Tourism, Cultural heritage. Environment, Training and Multimedia.

Asociación EuroMuévete (Euromuevete)


The EuroMuévete Association has an experienced team that works with Erasmus+ and uses non-formal methods according to the project's themes. We participate in the management of projects throughout their life cycle, including the design, development, implementation, monitoring, and dissemination of results. We focus on creating new opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities, who represent an active attitude to work, help and change their local environment, who want to learn new things and acquire

Uniting Bridge SNGO (UBSNGO)


We provide young people volunteering and non-formal education opportunities, both local and international projects (Erasmus+ youth exchanges, trainings - ''REACT'' project), which aim to empower young people, help them increase their capacity levels, improve personal and professional skills and gain international experience. 

Réseau Solidaire & Participatif (RESOPA)


Non formal education organization based in Gerzat, France which works with European youth at grassroots levels to help them develop qualities and skills that are relevant to community building. We make use of social innovation and Erasmus+ projects (KA1 & KA2) to implement our ideas and have the impact that we want. Our targets are mostly NEETs* and young people in rural or distanced areas. The themes we love to work on are: Sustainable Development, Social Entrepreneurship and Rural Development.

Youth Dynamics Cyprus (Youth Dynamics)


Youth Dynamics is an informal group founded in 2011, established to empower young people of Cyprus to broaden their minds and horizons.

Social Youth Development (K.A.N.E.)


Social Youth Development, KANE, is a non-profit organization situated in Kalamata, Greece.  Its vision is to foster youth motivation in order to take initiatives and become more active citizens. 

Association Strive! (Strive!)


Association Strive! is a non-governmental organization that promotes mobility, unity and non-formal education, through organizing activities for the youth, in order to improve the life of the local community.

ANKA Youth Association (ANKA)


ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion.

Prisms (Prisms)


Prisms aims to empower young people with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be an active participant within society. PRISMS provides to the necessities of young people through informal and non-formal methods of education so as to reach their needs in a holistic manner.

İlk Sen Ol Youth Movement Association (IlKSENOL)


İlk Sen Ol Youth Movement Association conducts Erasmus+ and ESC projects by including youth with fewer opportunities. Main themes are Volunteering, Humanitarian Aid, Employement, Mental Health, Well-being, Youth with Fewer opportunities, Nature, Gender Equality, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Media Literacy, Networking, and sports. Since 2023, İlk Sen Ol holds ESC Quality Label and Humanitarian Aid Quality Label.

FreeMinds in Action (FreeMinds in Action)


FreeMinds in Action is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established and working in Italy. Between the main objectives of organization is to raise awareness among Italian youth and civil society. 

The importance of organization for the local community is that it gives to young people a space to socialize, to share their creative  ideas, to develop personally, to become more self-confident and to promote self-manifestation. 

Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği )


Pi Youth Association is a youth association that is established to enable young people in Türkiye to develop knowledge, skills, positive attitudes and behaviors and also actualizes the decisions taken by European Union, Council of Europe and the United Nations’s in the field of youth. The Association also maintains its activities by taking into consideration the universal sensitivities, global principles and principles in human rights, participation and environment issues. The main mission topic of Pi Youth Association is youth rights and problems.

Európsky Dialóg (European Dialogue)


European Dialogue is aiming to create an educational platform, to inform about EU affairs and about opportunities for citizens of the Slovak Republic, mainly for the youth. Its goal is to mobilize active pro-European thinking people, to be active in the EU policies and promote sense of initiative, anti discrimination, integration and peaceful coexistence of all.

EKA Creative Studio (EKA Creative Studio)


We are a design ecosystem that brings together multidisciplinary designers and artists to develop creative ideas. We have worked on projects with the collaboration of Istanbul Municipality or other organizations such as Women Reaching Public Transport, Children's Playgrounds Design, Play Street Maltepe and Kavşak (Türkiye sustainable urban project).

Tiro Association for Arts (Tiro)


TAA aims to create independent cultural spaces in Lebanon through the provision of culture and arts-related trainings and activities, the rehabilitation of local cultural spaces, and the organization of festivals and events. Focusing mainly on Tyre and Nabatiyeh regions until now, the Association is a free platform for all, amateurs and artists, allowing them to present their artistic and cultural works. The Association's ambition is to contribute to shaping positively the cultural influence on all groups of the society, especially those that do not afford to spend part of their revenues on arts considered as luxurious spending.



Association Mojo de Caña has been founded in 2001, in Santa Brigida municipality (Gran Canaria Island,Spain) and is a Eurodesk member since 2015. It is an awarded association by their National Agency and the Youth in Action programme for best practices.