2020 Stakeholders Dialogue Results by wetheinternet
24-06-2020On 5 and 6 June, 2020, Missions Publiques with the support of a broad coalition of partners worldwide held a series of four online dialogues, in which stakeholders from more than 80 countries around the world discussed in three-hour sessions the future of the digital cooperation architecture.
Gabriel Brezoiu, President of Prisma European Network and GEYC Romania attended this Dialogue.
The dialogue was divided in two moments: Participants started by assessing the three models presented in the UN High Level Panel (HLP) Report on digital cooperation.
They then focused their work on developing recommendations on how to reform the current internet governance architecture. This report, submitted to the co-champion Germany, represented by the Federal Foreign Office, summarizes the outcome of the dialogues.
It formulates a series of seven recommendations oriented along the six gaps and ten functions identified by the UN HLP Report and suggests a set of specific action points for each. The recommendations are:
1. Towards a hybrid architecture for the future of Digital Cooperation
2. Putting the right resources and in a fair way is key to an impactful Digital Cooperation
3. Improving effective inclusion must be at the heart of governance reform
4. Strengthen coordination and cooperation between stakeholders and different bodies
5. Transparency and guidance are essential in navigating the complex system
6. Create trust with transparent, fair coordination and effective, stable leadership
7. The IGF+ needs to move from a discussion forum to a decision body As a cross cutting result, participants pointed out that the deliberative format of the stakeholders dialogues, such as the one conducted here are a powerful showcase of how future digital cooperation can evolve and how deliberative dialogues can become an integral part of the institutional set-up.
Participants have expressed their willingness and capability to engage in internet governance if given the appropriate infrastructure and support.
92% have stated that they would continue their engagement or recommend their friends / colleagues to participate in such a dialogue. The results of the Dialogue are highly aligned with the Roadmap presented by the Office of the UNSG and are hence a strong support for both the options paper and the general discussion on the Future of Digital Cooperation.
Check out this map to see where the participants come from.
You can check the list of Contributions on this link
And have a look on the full report by Mission Publique Team here