Western Balkans: doubled Erasmus+ funding
07-02-2018On the 6th of February, the European Commission adopted a strategy which supports the transformation of the Western Balkans region. 'A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans' sets out new flagship initiatives such as: rule of law, security and migration, socio-economic development, transport and energy connectivity, digital agenda, reconciliation and good neighbourly relations. Support transition to EU membership actions are foreseen between 2018 and 2020. In this frame, funding under the Erasmus+ programme will be doubled.
The Western Balkans are encouraged to give priority to education sectors, in order to promote European values and foster social cohesion, as well as to empower youths through free access to learning opportunities.
Funding under the Erasmus+ programme, for activities related to vocational education and training and skills as well teacher training and pre-school education, will be doubled, to give even more youths from the Western Balkans the chance to develop profesionally and personally in the EU. Since 2014, over 19,000 students and staff benefited from learning mobilities to and from the Western Balkans, within the Erasmus+ Programme.
Moreover, a pilot mobility scheme for learners and trainers in vocational education and training is planned to be developed in partnership with key stakeholders.
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