Radicalisation Awareness Network - Call for expert



Following the new framework contract launched in January 2020 for four years (which specifications can be found here), the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) is renewing the expert pool. Therefore, we are looking for expert first-line practitioners, including hybrid profiles academic/practitioners.

As is mentioned in the ‘Fifteenth Progress Report towards an effective and genuine Security Union’ , RAN has proven to be one of the most important networks for first-line practitioners from around the EU dealing with prevention and countering radicalisation. Several policy documents highlighting the role of RAN can be found here.

Within RAN, first-line practitioners can exchange expertise and knowledge, share lessons learnt, and identify good practices and recommendations to support the work of different stakeholders in Member States. The EU approach to prevention of radicalisation as set out below guides the work of RAN:

  • having a bottom-up approach, supporting the development of skills of first-line practitioners and using their insights in developing appropriate responses and framework conditions;
  • having a holistic approach, coordination and cooperation between different policy areas and instruments making a relevant contribution to tackling the root causes of radicalisation while strengthening resilience;
  • having a multi-sector/agency approach, meaning that different policy areas need to be coordinated, different actors need to cooperate, and that the development of policy responses but also concrete interventions, e.g. at local level, need to involve all the relevant stakeholders;
  • local is key: the recognition that it is foremost at the local level that the necessary measures need to be put in place and local actors that need to be empowered and supported — while such measures need to be coherent with (and complemented by) framework conditions at national level;
  • tailor-made responses taking into account the specificities of each case;
  • empowerment of civil society organisations since they can play an important role in different areas of preventing and countering radicalisation (e.g. in prisons, schools, etc.);
  • respect of fundamental rights and promotion of democratic values.

The activities of RAN are supported by an external contractor (RAN “staff”), a consortium that is headed by RadarEurope.

The RAN Expert Pool

The RAN expert pool consists of radicalization experts and practitioners which can be selected for subcontracting services. Experts in the pool stand out among their fellow practitioners because of their in-depth know-how on a specific topic combined with their capacity to transfer this know-how to others. Experts fulfil the role of a ‘practitioner-plus’ or tutor, by supporting other practitioners in the ongoing development both by lecturing, training and by means of writing.

Activities of experts in the expert pool include;

  • to develop and implement training and vocational educational material like skills training, tools, manuals (e.g. due to respective background as a social worker, teacher or trainer);
  • to draft specialized papers (ad hoc paper, consolidated overview papers and comprehensive overview papers);
  • to draft discussion papers and conclusion papers;
  • to represent RAN at external events relating to radicalization;
  • to help with other requests/contributions (e.g. being RAN YOUNG Academy mentors, or to find new Editorial board members).

<Criteria for selection

  • Experts in the expert pool should have a minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in P/CVE;
  • In the survey, applicants will be asked to select topics among those identified for the new Working Groups as their proven dominant field of expertise (see list of fields of expertise in the survey)
  • In the survey, applicants will be asked to select skills of expertise (see list of skills in the survey). Having training skills and one of the fields of expertise is considered as an asset.
  • Once selected, active participation in the expert pool is required. This includes actively applying for a call of expertise. Participants who will not be active in the pool within one year, will be removed.

How do I apply?

  • Please fill in the application form by completing this survey via this link. The application form consists of 13 questions and will take approximately fifteen minutes. Selection criteria are stated in the survey.
  • Furthermore, you need to hand in your Curriculum Vitae (three pages maximum). This should document your relevant professional experience and expertise. All CVs should be submitted in the European format which can be found via this link.

    Please note that we only require working experience, education and training, language skills and a list of publications (which can be included as annex at the Europass website). All other skills need not be included in the Europass CV.

    In your CV, please include proof of expertise, if possible (e.g. references to self-authored guidebooks, handbooks or manuals, letters of satisfaction regarding training provided by them).

Please upload the CV in the survey questionnaire in pdf format.


Once the call has closed, RAN will propose a selection to the Commission. After approval, the selected experts will be informed by RAN. The current expert pool will remain operational until the new expert pool is in place.

  • The call for the expert pool is open from 12 May 2020 until 26 May 2020.
  • Applicants will be informed on the selection in the first week of June 2020.  

Questions or remarks regarding the application procedure can be directed to Jordy Krasenberg and Annelies Jansen via j.krasenberg@radaradvies.nl and a.jansen@radaradvies.nl

Check out the Full article about the Call for expert practitioners: RAN Expert Pool

Application form