One 2 One: Supporting Learning face to face
29-05-2020When: 5-11 October 2020
Where: Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: 9 June 2020
Date of Selection: 23 June 2020
The Objective of this training is to empower and equip youth workers with the competences needed to work in a One 2 One relationship with young people in order to support their learning and development processes.
“One 2 One” is a little play on words. One 2 one means face to face i.e. the individual relationship, which we are focusing on during the training course.
The aims and objectives of this training course:
The main aim of this course is to empower and equip youth workers with the competences needed to work in a One 2 One relationship with young people in order to support their learning and development processes.
Within this, you will:
· Explore what “supporting learning” means in one-to-one relationships;
· Practice different one-2-one learning support methods and approaches;
· Learn how to support self-reflection;
· Reflect on the complementarity of individual- and group learning;
· Exchange about the various of contexts where one-2-one happens and compare approaches such as mentoring, coaching and tutoring;
· See how the One-2-One approach links with the ETS competence model for youth workers working internationally.
The course will be based on and supported by the following publications:
One 2 One – Supporting Learning Face to Face
The Competence Model for Youth workers to work internationally
Within the training course you will also learn more about how to implement the Youthpass process.
Target group and profile of participants:
Professionals and volunteers – youth workers and/or youth leaders, youth trainers, mentors, educators etc. :
· who have minimum one year of experience in working with young people (be it in local youth work or international mobility context);
· motivated to develop the competences needed to work in One 2 One relationships;
· minimum 18 years old;
· able to actively participate in English.
The learning process and the programme of the training course:
In order to provide the possibility for participants to experience being supported individually in their own learning process, the training course is extended by One 2 One talks with the trainers both before and after the course. Each participant will be accompanied by the same trainer throughout.
Before the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk by Skype
During the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk
After the training course: Participant and trainer One 2 One talk by Skype
What you can expect:
The preliminary programme of the course is presented in the attached brochure and will be adjusted according to participants' expressed needs and expectations during the One 2 One talks by Skype.
Who is eligible to participate?
Youth in Action Programme countries : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.
Available downloads:
· Programme of One2One BE.docx.pdf
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