Nordic Online Training on Virtual Exchanges


Application Deadline: June 3. 2020

Date of Selection: June 5. 2020

The web-based training discusses how to support, design and implement virtual exchanges in youth work. The training offers an insight to an existing practice in virtual exchanges.

Virtual Exchanges for Youth Work

The aim of the training is to introduce youth workers to the practice of virtual exchange through an experiential learning approach. The trainers build on the knowledge and experience of the participants themselves and facilitate the process of sharing knowledge and experience in a transnational virtual exchange context.

The training does not aim for designing a complete virtual exchange, but it gives an understanding what virtual exchanges are and how the participants can design one themselves after the training.

The training can provide a possibility for making partnerships for future virtual exchanges.

Content elements

The following content is discussed in the training:

·       discuss why VE can be relevant to youth work

·       explore different models of virtual exchange: ‘ready-made’ and ‘grassroots’

·       explore the components of a virtual exchange

·       explore the modes of communication in virtual exchange: theatre, music, visual arts, minecraft, wikipedia

·       develope a plan/outline for our virtual exchange

·       explore and evaluate technologies for the exchange

·       identify possible challenges and risks in virtual exchange, development ideas

·       creating partnerships for future virtual exchanges

An intensive training period

The training is organized between 9.-23. June 2020 and it consists of four 2-hour online webinars (synchronized learning) and roughly 10 hours of individual work (unsynchronized learning). Approximately 18 hours of working time in two and half weeks.

Dates and times

Tuesday 9th of June: 9 - 11 (GMT)
Friday 12nd of June 14 - 16 (GMT)
Tuesday 16th of June: 9 - 11 (GMT)
Tuesday 23rd of June: 14 - 16 (GMT)

Who is it for?

The training is aimed for youth workers and promoters of youth exchanges in the Nordic countries: Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. We expect the participants to take part in all of the sessions of the training.

Relevant NA officers can also take part.

Available downloads:

·       UNICollaboration_Virtual Exchange_Curriculum for Youth Training for Nordic countries - June 2020.pdf

For more information check out this link