European Student Think Tank: Call for Submission


PRISMA's partner, The European Student Think Tank (EST) announced their 2021 Call for Submissions for the peer-reviewed European Policy Review Journal (EPR). 

The deadline to submit an article is the 15th of March 2021. Participants must fill the Call for Submission form to submit an article. 

The European Student Think Tank is an International Organization that involves young people in the European policy-making process and promotes the values of the European Union and Human Rights. 

Every year, the EST publishes the European Policy Review (EPR), which is a peer-reviewed journal of academic articles written by university students across the world. 

The EPR was established in 2014 to provide a platform for young academics to critically explore the policies of individual European states and the European Union. With a youthful spin, the EPR offers a unique lens under which European Policy can be seen in a new light!

Currently, the following calls are open: 

- Call for Submissions

- Call for Reviewers

For more information, visit EST's website.

Subscribe to EST's Newsletter to keep track of their latest's activities, events or articles.