Ensuring meaningful participation in the UN



You’re invited to participate in the forthcoming webinar: “Ensuring meaningful participation of civil society in UN processes – Lessons learned from the High Level Political Forum and the way forward.

The webinar provides an important occasion to reflect on the lessons learned from the virtual HLPF (High-level Political Forum) 2020 and asses collective measures needed to enable genuine inclusion of civil society actors and other stakeholders during future UN processes, including HLPF gatherings. The webinar will be held on 11 September 2020, from 09.00 – 10:30 EST (NYC/DC time).


Hosts and speakers
The webinar will be hosted by the Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN in New York and feature speakers from the Danish Government, the Costa Rican Government, the SDG Kenya Forum, Action for Sustainable Development, UN Major Groups and UN DESA. The discussion will be moderated by the UN Foundation.


This webinar seeks to contribute to emerging efforts to address restrictions on civic space following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and to strengthen greater inclusion of civil society in multi-lateral processes. The event will further provide an opportunity to identify multi-stakeholder recommendations to advance meaningful civil society inclusion in future UN processes including HLPF cycles.


We hope to hear your voice at this webinar. Please register here. A unique personal link for the webinar will be shared upon registration.