CIVICUS Alliance-Youth Action Lab 2021
The Youth Action Lab is a one-year co-creation lab for grassroots youth activists based in the global south which works to support their movements to become more resilient and sustainable.
Participants in the Lab work to build political solidarity and networks, strengthen capacities in engaging with policy processes, and access resources to support their movement.
The Lab acts as a hub for testing new ways of working within civil society and mobilizing learnings from across sectors in support of youth-led movements.
The 2020 cohort have worked together for 8 months and produced a report that examines their experiences throughout the co-design journey. Read their lessons-learned report here and their onboarding journey here.
Applications for the 2021 Youth Action Lab are now open (until 01 February 2021)! If you're an activist aged between 18 and 32 and are from the Global South, this is your chance to participate in radical collaboration