ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION: Celebrating Our Diversity forum
On the 20th and 21st of May 2021, the Anna Lindh Foundation will hold the annual forum Celebrating Our Diversity to celebrate the International Day of Cultural Diversity.
The forum is a networking and learning platform on how to build inclusive, sustainable, and intercultural cities. We invite participants to lead their own workshops in the practitioners’ lab and break-out rooms using open space technology format.
Civil society’s actors of the Euro-Med region active in the fields of youth empowerment, gender equality, climate and environment, migration and working with refugees, art and culture, are invited to join the forum.
The forum will offer a networking opportunity, suitable for building new partnerships with members of the Euro-Med Region. Participants will have an opportunity to share their projects and learn from others’ initiatives, in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda 2030.
Applications are open until the 4th of May 2021.